Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sending Out Prizes

Below is the list of winners for the Big Idea Contest that was held in October. I was hoping to hear from the first two people so they could choose their prizes and give me their mailing information, but they did not leave any way to contact them, so if they don't check back here and get me their prize choice (here) and their mailing address, then I will proceed to the next winners on the list.

1. Passion
2. Lightmintypfunks
3. James at Everyday Correspondence
4. Curbside Annie
5. School Supplies Sleuth
6. James at Everyday Correspondence

I did hear from James at Everyday Correspondence, and will send emails to Annie at Curbside Treasure and School Supplies Sleuth.

I learned some things to make it easier next time! Can't wait! But first must finish this and work on the magazine for a bit. Cover illustration for Letters & Journals is in the works!

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