Monday, August 30, 2010

Highlights of LetterNews

There are two feature stories in this month's edition of LetterNews, the e-newsletter for Letters & Journals. If you don't get the newsletter that was sent out Monday, August 30, you can read the articles on the website.

The first article, by Debra Illingworth Greene, is 'Lost and Found: A Journal Story' which tells the story of one lost journal and how it made the journey back to its owner.

The second feature is by Kathleen Cleberg who reviews 'The Spirit of Letters', a book about great artists who painted people reading or writing letters such as this famous painting by Vermeer. If you're interested in purchasing this hardcover book, I found some copies for sale at,  a website that sells new and used books.

(Photo: Girl in Blue Reading a Letter, Jan Vermeer from 'The Spirit of Letters' published by Hallmark in 1961.)

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