Sunday, August 22, 2010

Planning a Visit to the National Postal Museum

We are planning a trip to DC in September and we have it on our itinerary to visit the National Postal Museum. I've been reading some interesting blog posts about it and am very excited to spend a good half day there- meeting other interested folks, seeing the history of the postal service, getting story ideas, taking pictures. 

James at Everyday Correspondence has a great 3-part blog post on the National Postal Museum.
Pushing the Envelope is the blog of the National Postal Museum.
The Traveling Wheelchair's post on the museum.
All My Hues has a July 2010 post with pictures

Have any of you been there? Do you have recommendations of what to see and do there?


PostMuse said...

I was there for the Pens and the Post event last May and enjoyed it very much. I've been to the museum a number of times, and I think half day would be good. If your travel companions are willing, bring some mail to write while sitting on one of the benches in the foyer. The gift shop is very expensive, but has some lovely stationery. The Postal Museum postcards are limited to one of Owney, the mascot, and it is about $1 a card, so not something you would want to stock up on. And the dog is rather disturbing ... it is the actual dog, stuffed.

The museum is a bit off the Mall, and the Mall is HUGE, so plan on very comfortable walking shoes if you are going to try to get to any of the other museums that day.

Union Station, right across the street from the Museum, could be an good choice for lunch, but it is a bit too chaotic for me. It is lovely, though.

There always seems to be people about that love to talk about mail, and I think that's why I like going there so much. No one thinks I'm odd for sending so much mail :-)

Jackie Flaherty said...

Thanks for the excellent tips on making the best use of our trip there. I will add Union Station as our place to have lunch.

I'm even more excited than I was before. Thank you!