Monday, December 20, 2010

List Making

I am a habitual list maker, which gives some of my many notebooks purpose. In recent days I've come across other lists that have inspired me or given me a spark of joy to read and to contemplate. The list below is my reading list for January 2010.

1. Twenty Ways to Get Through Bad Days

2. 25 Holiday Ideas in 25 Days

3. List it Tuesday

4. Keeping a Writer's Journal: 21 Ideas to Keep You Writing

5. Journaling Benefits - A List of Choices

6. 10 Traditions that should make a comeback in 2011

7. Lists from the Happiness Project toolbox 

Do you have a favorite list to share?


Rachel B. said...

The books I want to buy but am too cheap to buy :) That's a pretty long list.

Jackie Flaherty said...

Well, in all honesty, I didn't finish 'Wolf Hall' and 'May Day'. And 'Yours Ever' took me a couple months as I just read some here & there. I've found that listening to audios even on my short commute and sometimes in the evening while I'm on the computer is a great way to squeeze in another book or two.