Saturday, September 23, 2017

Dot Journaling - The Book

When I first heard the term 'dot journaling', I wasn't sure what that was. Then I was sent a free review copy of this book, Dot Journaling―A Practical Guide: How to Start and Keep the Planner, To-Do List, and Diary That’ll Actually Help You Get Your Life Together by Rachel Wilkerson Miller,  and the book explained everything. Every thing. I loved it and am inspired to finally try (again) my own dot journal, also known as a bullet journal.
Dot Journaling is authored by Rachel Wilkerson Miller, who's a lifestyle editor at BuzzFeed. Think of Dot Journaling as a combination of diary, planner and to-do list. She published her book this summer.
The book has wonderful (and plentiful) illustrations, ideas and examples. I was particularly impressed with the variety of spreads and all the ways you can customize the journal to what fits your needs.
I was familiar with bullet journaling and had tried this for a few months in 2016 - a very basic attempt. Although it is extremely flexible and customizable, there is still a learning curve and a commitment to the process.
The author addresses concerns (commitment, learning curve, dissatisfaction with penmanship) and offers ideas on how to overcome them.

I am inspired by her work and her words and look forward to creating my own 2017 (what remains) bullet journal.

Bullet Journal was created by Ryder Carrol. For a wonderful selection of informative articles, podcasts, etc., please visit


Anonymous said...

Perhaps I lack the bullet journal gene because I just don't get it. No one explains the appeal or what makes it so different from using something as simple as a Moleskine for a journal. Can you explain it simply enough so that even I might understand?

Thanks, Jackie.

Jackie Flaherty said...

Hello Limner,

My apologies for the lateness of my response. I used to receive an email when there was a comment left and I didn't receive one here.

My favorite thing about bullet journals is the index which you create as you go at the beginning of your journal. I will be showing this when I publish the blog on my "Bullet Journal for Books I've Read". I tried to reply with info in this comment but it will work better with pictures.
